Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gambling the odds

Amazing what a difference 24 hours can make. One of my coworkers, whose wife is also pregnant came into my office and asked me how I've been feeling lately. Although I normally don't get into specifics, today I decided to share my testing info because of his recent experience with this stage of pregnancy. They apparently decided not to do any testing at all because they knew they could never abort, so what was the sense? I now wish we had followed that route too after getting back our results that put us at greater risk, and will therefore cause more worry. But I told him we were trying not to stress too much because the odds are still on our side.

"Pick a number between 1 and 86," he said.
"Seventy-two," I quickly replied.
"See, that wasn't my number," he confirmed, "your odds are better than you think."

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