Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Due Date

My due date has finally arrived, but no action. We woke up at 7:00 AM and walked down the street and browsed around at a tag sale. Going through the possessions of the deceased always proves to be such a strangely calming act and I always walk away thinking differently about life and the stuff we choose to surround ourselves with. Leaving a tag sale always makes me want to minimize my belongings, and yet often makes me wish I had kept some mementos previously purged too. I guess I want some stranger to be able to go through our stuff one day and build the story of our joyful life the same way Dave and I built up and therefore honored the memory of our neighbor that has moved on to a better world. Sometimes, it's those strange little tokens someone has held on to for years and years that helps to form a clear picture of their life.

Today our plan is to spend the day working on the yard. I know, we're supposed to be relaxing---but that is how we relax! I will spend one more Saturday disturbing my neighbors by baring my enormous belly to them for possibly the last time. I'm thankful that North has stayed in the womb this long and that we get one more weekend before our new life starts. I'm setting my new sights on 4/7.

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